Doing well
by doing Good
We recognise our responsibility towards the society and the environment. We have embraced this notion by organizing ourselves in a manner that empowers us to fulfil this responsibility.
A step towards a greener world
It is the company's tradition to hand out a sapling to every dealer joining their network with a comprehensive guide, via a QR code on it, for instructions on how to take care of the plant. Dealers delightfully share updates on the growing plant every year.
Gifting a greener tomorrow
What can be a better gift than a greener sustainable tomorrow? Which is why the company follows a culture of gifting locally sourced eco-friendly and environment enhancing gifts like seeds and earthen ware: a move to encourage every individual to do their bit towards the environment.
Responsible e-waste disposal
Venkatesha Systems promotes appropriate disposal of e-waste in the society through its campaigns. It also aspires to run a program for the collection and disposal of e-waste in order to redirect it towards it repurposing or disposal.